Solution Co., Ltd.


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Equipment sales and lease

Equipment Sales & Leasing

We carry a variety of equipment that is indispensable to offices, such as office automation equipment like business phones and multi-function photocopiers. We offer our services throughout Japan under our motto of “Safe and Secure”, solving your office problems.

Sale of office automation IT equipment

We provide one-stop service for things from advanced office automation equipment such as computers, a variety of network equipment, mobile phones, and more that have become musts for businesses in the IT age, to office furniture such as desks and storage cabinets. We put our history to full use at Solution and were able to achieve a significant reduction in price through large orders.

product infomation

Lease consulting

We handle a variety of leases to suit your type of work, budget, and business plan. Our veteran staff will present you with the ideal plan that will enable your to put your business capital to effective use and keep expenses down. We also offer all sorts of extremely affordable lease packages and support a variety of cases, such as small and home offices and owners of small-scale businesses.

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Realizing thorough distribution cost reductions

Solution Co., Ltd. achieves thorough distribution cost reductions through our own distribution routes, sending relevant products necessary for business from office automation equipment to office furniture such as desks and providing low-priced, high-quality products to our customers. We will present the most suitable plan for you in a satisfying manner.
